
Showing posts with the label India's Struggle for Independence

The Mountbatten Plan: A Delicate Balancing Act of Independence and Partition in India

India's Struggle for Independence: A Journey to Freedom

The India Independence Act (1947): A Milestone in India's Journey to Freedom

The Mountbatten Plan (1947): A Blueprint for India's Independence

RIN Mutiny (1946): A Watershed Moment in India's Independence Struggle

Quit India Movement (1942): A Pivotal Moment in India's Independence Struggle

The Cripps Mission: A Turning Point in India's Independence Struggle

The Individual Satyagraha of 1940: Mahatma Gandhi's Defiant Stand against the British

The Crisis at Tripuri: Tensions and Divisions within the Indian National Congress

The Resignation of Congress Ministries in 1939: A Pivotal Moment in the Indian Independence Movement