Bangladesh Struggle for Independence
Table of Contents - Bangladesh Struggle for Independence
Part I: Historical Context
- Chapter 1: Roots of Bengali Identity and Nationalism
- Chapter 2: British Colonial Rule in Bengal (1757-1947)
- Chapter 3: The Rise of Muslim Nationalism and the Partition of India (1905-1947)
Part II: The Path to Independence
- Chapter 4: Language Movement and Bengali Assertiveness (1947-1952)
- Chapter 5: Discontent and Disparity: Unequal Status in Pakistan (1947-1970)
- Chapter 6: Ayub Khan's Rule and Growing Bengali Disillusionment (1958-1966)
- Chapter 7: The Rise of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Awami League (1966-1970)
- Chapter 8: The 1970 Elections and the Failure of Political Compromise (1970)
Part III: War and Liberation
- Chapter 9: Operation Searchlight and the Declaration of Independence (March 1971)
- Chapter 10: The Formation of Mukti Bahini and International Response (1971)
- Chapter 11: The Role of India and the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 (1971)
- Chapter 12: The Human Cost of the War and Humanitarian Crisis (1971)
- Chapter 13: Liberation and the Emergence of Bangladesh (December 1971)