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The BNP's Voluntary Absence: A Threat to Peaceful Elections

The BNP's Voluntary Absence: A Threat to Peaceful Elections

The BNP's Voluntary Absence: A Threat to Peaceful Elections

[30 November 2023]

@Afzal Hosen Mandal

In recent times, the BNP has made a controversial decision to voluntarily abstain from participating in the upcoming elections. However, their actions go beyond mere non-participation. They have been actively making assertions aimed at disrupting the peaceful conduct of the election. It is important to reflect upon the consequences of such actions, particularly in light of the chaos unleashed during the 2014 election.

During the 2014 election, when the BNP-Jamaat alliance chose to stay away from the polls, the country witnessed a wave of violence and destruction. Schools, which were designated as polling centers, became targets for vandalism and arson. Tragically, an assistant returning officer lost their life, and voters were subjected to intimidation, physical assault, and coercion.

Considering this history, it becomes imperative to question the intentions of those who seek to prevent the election from being held in a peaceful manner. The question arises: how should such individuals or groups be dealt with?

It is essential for authorities to take swift and decisive action against those who attempt to disrupt the electoral process. Safeguarding the democratic values and principles that Bangladesh upholds requires a strong stance against any attempts to undermine the electoral system. This includes taking legal measures against those responsible for inciting violence or spreading misinformation that could incite unrest.

It is also crucial for the international community to closely monitor the situation and offer support where necessary. Various individuals and organizations, including CWhiteleyEU, MarieMasdupuy, GerAmbBD, HCSarahCooke, mattjcannell, Bonnie_Glick, geoffreymacdon, MichaelKugelman, KerryKennedyRFK, UnderSecStateJ, UnderSecStateP, AfreenAkhter, JuttaUrpilainen, hrw, amnestysasia, RFKHumanRights, UNHumanRights, volker_turk, cvoule, EU_Commission, MaryLawlorhrds, StateDRL, usembassydhaka, UKinBangladesh, EUinBangladesh, StateDept, CanHCBangladesh, and AusHCBangladesh, have a responsibility to closely follow the situation and provide assistance as needed.

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