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"Stories with Afzal" is a platform where Afzal Hosen Mandal shares insights, experiences, and narratives on various topics, including legal advice, personal growth, and community stories. It serves as a space for thought-provoking content, aiming to inform and inspire readers with professional expertise, personal stories, and meaningful discussions.



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BNP-Jamaat's Propaganda by Editing the Video of Channel 24: [Facts-Checked]

BNP-Jamaat's Propaganda by Editing the Video of Channel 24: [Facts-Checked]

BNP-Jamaat's Propaganda by Editing the Video of Channel 24: [Facts-Checked]

A video clip of Channel 24 has been edited to use a fragment of the footage to spread disinformation against law enforcement agencies.

On November 12, during the 48-hour siege, BNP goons set a Prajapati Paribahan bus on fire at Mirpur Circle around 1:00 p.m. The fire was brought under control by the police and the general public with water bottles and sand. By editing a part of that video footage, the leaders and activists of the BNP, Jamaat-Shibir, and their minion journalists in disguise are presenting this incident in a completely different way on social media, as the police were setting fire to vehicles.

This propaganda is completely false and baseless. A full view of the video footage shows that the police were actually trying to control the fire. The purpose of this lie by the BNP-Jamaat is to tarnish the image of the law enforcement agencies.

I hope that everyone will speak out against this lie by the BNP-Jamaat and oppose their propaganda.

#BNP_Jamaat_Propaganda #FactsChecked #Bangladesh #LawEnforcementAgencies

@HannahEP @CWhiteleyEU @MarieMasdupuy @GerAmbBD @HCSarahCooke @mattjcannell @Bonnie_Glick @geoffreymacdon @MichaelKugelman @KerryKennedyRFK @UnderSecStateJ @UnderSecStateP @AfreenAkhter @JuttaUrpilainen @hrw @amnestysasia @RFKHumanRights @UNHumanRights @volker_turk @cvoule @EU_Commission @MaryLawlorhrds @StateDRL @usembassydhaka @UKinBangladesh @EUinBangladesh @StateDept @CanHCBangladesh @AusHCBangladesh

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